About Us

Accredited by the Australian Department of Defence, Everyman’s Welfare Service serve the members of the Australian Defence Force and their families by providing a Philanthropic support service which is not normally provided by the Australian Defence Force. The ADF rely on us to lift morale in the field or on base.

While we are not members of the ADF, our Everyman’s Representatives receive ADF accreditation and hold honorary officer status. They work from Recreation Centres on Bases and travel with the troops on Military Exercises and operational deployments. They are issued with military clothing, but not with weapons.

We are a trans-denominational Christian Charity serving on behalf of all Australian Christian churches. Once commissioned into the work, our staff undergo an initial 12 month on-the-job training program that ensures they are qualified to handle any situation within the military structure.

Our greatest benefit to the Defence Force is the time and genuine care that we can give to the troops. In the same way that Jesus stopped for the individual in the crowd, the Everyman’s Welfare Representative can stop, get to know the person, build a relationship and be available in times of need.

We are a non Government funded, Not for Profit Charity. All donations over $ 2.00 are Tax deductible.

Our Programme

Everyman’s provides club and recreational facilities through “Everyman’s Centres” on Military Bases. For service personnel the centre is a place to come and relax with mates or to find the sympathetic ear of the Everyman’s Representative. It’s a place of encouragement and fellowship and a “Home away from Home”!

We provide amenities such as computer games, pool tables, board games and play stations at no-charge as well as other amenities like videos & DVD’s and Internet facilities.

In the field, Everyman’s Representatives turn up with our “Brew Trucks” in the most unexpected places often at the most unexpected times. We provide hot or cold drinks, something to eat, reading materials, letter writing facilities, a word of encouragement but most of all sharing the hope found in Jesus Christ. We take a bit of home to them.

Our Policy

In peace or in war, on Military Bases or in the field, Everyman’s Representatives seek to live up to their motto: We announce the message about Christ, and we use all our wisdom to warn and teach everyone, so that all of Christ’s followers will grow and become mature. That’s why I work so hard and use the mighty power he gives me. Colossians I:28-29 (CEV)

We believe the greatest weapon we can give our service men & women is the shield of faith in Jesus Christ because it takes away the fear of death.

Everyman’s staff hold honorary Officer status and wear military uniforms. Representatives work within the military structure. Welfare Representatives work in close cooperation with Military Chaplains. Everyman’s is trans-denominational and serves on behalf of all Australian Christian Churches.

Everyman’s is a registered tax deductible Charity and is funded through donations from individuals, businesses and churches. Donations of more than $2 are tax deductible.

Doctrinal Statement


There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons, Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.

God is Sovereign in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgement.

The Bible is Divinely inspired and entirely trustworthy, and is supremely and finally authoritative in all matters of faith and conduct.

The devil is a real and active being.

Since the fall, all mankind is sinful and guilty, rendering themselves subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.

Jesus Christ, God the Son, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died a sacrificial death as our representative and substitute, was raised bodily from death, ascended to the right hand of the Father, from where He will return personally for all His own.

The work of the Holy Spirit is essential to make the death of Christ effective to the individual sinner, to convict him of sin, to grant him repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and to accomplish the work of spiritual regeneration.

The sinner is eternally justified, freed from guilt, the penalty and power of sin solely by God’s grace, through exercising faith in Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit indwells all true believers to teach them concerning Jesus Christ and to produce in them fruitful, Christ-like lives.

The one holy universal Church, the body of Christ, consists of all true believers, all having functional ministries in the Church.

It is the policy of Everyman’s that we are all one in Christ Jesus and that our emphasis is to bring men and women, boys and girls to Jesus. We do not encourage the espousing of doctrinal emphases that could and would divide us and distract us away from our objectives.