NATIONAL HQ 02 6053 5288


Farewell to NRM Phil Marshall

Recently, CCOMM Ken had the privilege of being able to farewell our former 2IC and National Relations Manager Phil MARSHALL. In attendance were all of the Queensland EWS team and some of their wives
and partners. Phil for almost 10 years went door to door over the nation, building relationships with RSLs, service clubs, and churches. We remember well the phrase Phil himself used as he felt at times that he was “losing the skin off his knuckles” door knocking, state by state, and not seeing any meaningful results for a long time. However, eventually some RSLs, churches, and service clubs began to come on board assisting Everyman’s. This meant we could replace the old Brew Trucks that went out to the field with coffee making machines and fridges in them. Phil blazed a trail that made it possible for Everyman’s to move to the next level in support, and established a higher profile for our current National Relations Manager Jeff GREENE
to work from.
Ken was delighted to award Phil the Chief Commissioners Commendation (the highest award in Everyman’s) in thankfulness and gratitude for all he was able to achieve for Everyman’s in those short 10 years. We wish Phil and his wife Jani all the best for the future and know that Phil will be an excellent Chaplain with the Australian Federal Police.