
Frank Tottingham

Royal Military College Duntroon, Canberra ACT

Frank Tottingham

I first heard the Gospel when I was three or four years old in Sunday School and I began to understand that I was a sinner.

After that I asked my parents questions about being saved. They shared scripture with me and sent me away to think about it. This went on for several months until finally after church one evening I asked the Lord to come into my heart and save me. At the time, I didn’t understand everything about being saved, but I did understand I was a sinner and that Jesus could save me!

The Lord was leading me to the ministry for many years. I was active in my local church, and attended a local Bible Institute until the Lord led me to join the U.S. Marines in 1989. I served as an Infantry Corporal, Marine Corps Security Forces, Panama and 1st Battalion, 6th Marines with two operational deployments to Central and South America respectively, upon discharge I served as a Reserve Chaplain with the U.S. Air Force (Aux.). In Australia, while serving as the Pastor of two local Baptist churches I have been blessed to serve the ADF as a Reserve Everyman, Kapooka 2002-2012, and RMC-D since 2016. In 1994 I married Shelley, a Queenslander, we have four children.

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