Senior Representative

Kristian Kemper

ALTC Latchford Barracks, Bonegilla VIC

Kristian Kemper

I grew up in a Christian family attended church on a regular basis and grounded in solid biblical teaching. I gave my life to Christ when I was 9 at a Christian camp and remember to this very day sitting at one of the camp tables and accepting the precious gift of salvation.

My Lord has carried me through many ups and downs through troubled waters and was watching and waiting while I wandered in the wilderness for a number of years.

I enlisted in the Army in 1997 and was posted to 1st Aviation Regiment Oakey QLD as ground crew. In 1999 I transferred to 41 Military Police platoon and within weeks Deployed to East Timor with INTERFET. Upon returning I had to deal with many of the issues that all returning soldiers have to deal with and after being diagnosed with PTSD I had a small stint in the RAAF then discharged in 2003.

I was still dealing with many issues and received some really good support from the ADF. I returned to my home town and more important my Lord and Saviour. Soon after I met a wonderful Godly woman Christina and we were married. We have been attending a great Bible teaching Church and were seeking and praying what the Lord would have for us to do. Christina was led to a position in admin at EWS and through prayer my Lord has lead me here as well.

Prayers and blessings
Kristian Kemper

Everyman’s Welfare Service is a Not for Profit Charity that is funded through donations from individuals, businesses and churches. All donations of $2.00 or more are Tax deductible.

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