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Remembering Retired Chief Commissioner Eric Trezise

Earlier this year, we saw our second Chief Commissioner Eric TREZISE promoted to Glory as we say in Everyman’s. Eric served as CCOMM of EWS, just as the Vietnam era was in full swing. He was remembered as a big picture thinker and flamboyant. He later did an outstanding job in organizing EVERYMAN’S contribution to the massive Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Parade that was the largest gathering of Veterans to ever assemble in one place, in Sydney in 1987. During his tenure, Eric proposed a Vietnam Veterans Support Service and produced an excellent leaflet which was handed out to thousands of Vets. He also arranged Memorial Bibles to be distributed. He exhibited a flare and presence that won over several in authority.
Eric had served closely with one of the founders of Everyman’s, Alex GILCHRIST in NSW in his earliest days. The Lord used Eric to help Everyman’s dream big. The Adventure Bound scheme where Everyman’s took soldiers and apprentices away for an adventure weekend, had its origins in Eric’s mind but he did not have the opportunity to introduce it. A later Chief Commissioner Stacey KRUCK picked up this programme and ran with it. It was a most successful program and many Defence Personnel were blessed because of it. REPs like Deane STEVENSON, Gary RODHAM, Shane LAVELL (currently serving in Everymans), Bob ROGERS and Eddie ZAJC led such Adventure Weekends in later years with great effect.
Eric’s contemporaries comment on how he could be a fun kind of bloke. Those who knew him can relate that he was unique, and worthy to be remembered for his genuine faith and passion for introducing people to Christ. Eric has now gone to his eternal home, and all of us who remain in Everyman’s today look forward to hearing his stories one day in Glory.